Term Loans

Term loans

Unlock your business potential with our flexible term loans, designed to help you acquire income-producing assets or property and drive financial cash flows. Choose from our range of short-term, medium-term, and long-term loan options, tailored to suit your specific needs:

  • Short Term Loans: Need quick financing for your business needs? Our asset-based short-term loans are payable in fixed installments over a term of one year or less. Get the funding you need to seize immediate opportunities and fuel your business growth.
  • Medium Term Loans: Looking for financing options with a slightly longer term? Our medium-term loans, set between one and three years, provide you with the flexibility to invest in your business and expand your operations.
  • Long Term Loans: Need a more extensive financing solution for your long-term business goals? Our long-term loans, set for more than three years, offer you the stability and support you need to execute your strategic plans and achieve sustained growth.

Applying for term loans is easy!

You can simply click the "I am interested" button and fill out the form, call our contact center at +9626-5209000, or visit your nearest branch.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to access the funding you need to drive your business forward. Contact us today and unlock the financial solutions that can fuel your success!